Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A lil' post of photos from France

All taken with my iTouch. Thus, the quality and composition is significantly lower than if they had been taken by Gregoire with his camera. BUT STILL!! PRETTY!!

1. The Alps: Annecy

A town near Gregoire's home. It's adorable and quite touristy, during the winter for skiing and during the summer because it has a the cleanest lake in Europe. Super picturesque and the sun was shining! Though it was still quite freezing. Now, I want you to breathe in deep and let out a long and dreamy "Awwww" that lasts as long as it takes you to look at these photos.

2. Lyon

The second largest city in France (but still baby compared to Paris). Really beautiful and also soo biker-friendly. Wide streets adorned with hanging lights and room to bike around half-blind due to the wind entering your eyeballs. Despite that disturbing description, I had a really, really pleasant stay in Lyon. First Christmas celebration here!

Gregoire's sister's cat saying "Joyeux Noël"

I tried a lot of new foods in France. I liked them all. My stomach felt a bit confused afterwards, though. You know it's tradition to eat escargot, oysters, and foie gras (goose liver, I think?) during Christmas in France? I didn't!

I forgot to mention an exceptionally important point: Lyon is the gastronomical capital of the WORLD. Meaning... if you want to eat well, go there. We went to a nice restaurant for lunch and it was the best meal I had in France. Best meal I've had in a while. Best meal I've had... ever? Hmm..

Upon seeing these photos, my sister commented: "That was one meal?". Yes. Needless to say, I may have gained a little pudge while in France.

3. Paris

We spent New Years in Paris. The city was as big and great and old as I had imagined, but with twice as much cold, three times as much rain, and 5 times as many people as I would have liked. Thus, Paris did not impress me as much as I had hoped. But!!! This just means I have to go back when it's warm to fully let it captivate me. Did I already write about this? I don't remember. Anyway! The only photos I have of Paris are of the Eiffel Tower. Sorry.


So those are my photos from France. Wait for Greg's... there are many more and they are actually stunning. Also! Wait for my video. I took like 200 videos and am going to make an awesome compilation, though it may take me 4 or 5 years.

I leave you with a picture of Gregoire in the snow.

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