Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Oops! So it's been a bit since I've updated. This episode is just going to be me talking about whatever I feel like (that's not very different is it) and wow I just realized I typed episode up there. I'm a bit tired and out of it so don't worry if some things don't make sense. I don't know why you would worry. Let's get started.

Last weekend Alejandra visited me and it was perfect. I remember when I went away to college, I was so afraid to be far from my friends because I thought "omg... when I see them again what if things are really different?? What if we just don't get along the same way???". I rarely ever have that worry anymore, which I take to mean I'm just 1000% comfortable and confident in the friendships I do have. It's awesome. I'm lucky.

AnYwHo! We did a lot of shtuff!! Explored all over the city (it really doesn't take long to have seen all the major neighborhoods), ate in restaurants, drank in cafés, picnicked in the park, bathed in the sun... Being in Madrid is incredible, but I can't stress how much I miss my friends from home sometimes. Apart from Greg, I have nobody that provides that same ear for listening, the same eyes for insight, the same mouth for advice. Haha that was so awful what I just wrote... like 5th grade poetry. I started with it thinking it was going to be bad but finished it off anyway. I'm going to write a poem:

Friends are great, friends are fun
They make you shine like you're the sun
I feel so happy I could prance
When we sing and dance and dance
Even though they're far away
I am grateful everyday
To have people in my life
As strong and faithful like a wife

That was good until the end when it got a little weird. Regardless I would be an incredible 5th grader.

I need to end this entry or else nobody will take this blog seriously anymore. My next entry will be about the sociopolitical effects of ethnocultural communities in the impoverished neighborhoods of Madrid.

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