Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rain, lips, painting, and the apocalypse

Hello my little minions. I just wanted to update to say my lip skin is regenerating nicely. I am currently working on some small paintings I'm doing for G's fam when I go to Francia and although they're coming along well I'm freakin a little about getting them (and his gift.. which I haven't completely conceptualized in my brain yet) finished in time. BUT.. they're comin. So that's all I can ask for.

This past weekend was quite slow... terribly cold and rainy, but we managed to get out and visit a really interesting exposition about El Mar Aral (the Aral Sea) which used to be one of the largest lakes in the world and has now almost completely disappeared in a matter of decades due to inefficient irrigation projects, years of cotton farming, and a general disregard towards its maintenance and well-being. The exhibit was connected to a greater project emphasizing the importance of water and the fact that it is not an eternal resource.. that we do need to pay attention to what we do with our world and how we do it (Rina I couldn't help thinking of you.. water! You're going to be fixing all these problems in the future!!) I liked it a lot, though it was a bit scary. An entire sea has essentially disappeared in a lifetime. Our human race is capable of anything. In a dangerous, dangerous way.

Anyway, we also took a trip to El Pardo, a nearby town with the palace that Franco lived in, as well as gardens, a riverside, and some really good restaurants. The palace was beautiful from the outside, but the inside was quite depressing.. I suppose that fits.

Man, I started this entry days ago and now it's Tuesday night and I really don't feel like writing anymore. I will update more later with photos and details (well, photos... maybe details. or another pointless story like the man that smelled like bearded sushi. Oh, god no. The bearded man that smelled like sushi. Bearded sushi, what a weird image in my mind!!)

I'm going to leave you with a video depicting the Spanish people's insanely unhealthy obsession with the lottery. As a professor told me, as unemployment goes up, so do lottery sales. So please, readers, check out this line. This is to BUY. LOTTERY. TICKETS.

Don't ask me why I edited it as so and added Ace of Base.

p.s. I put "apocalypse" up in the title because I was going to talk about the unbelievable masses of people that have been filling up the city center, making me feel like the world is ending, but I will save that for another entry.

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