Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's Sunday! Here's a photo update.

Photos from El Escorial, a small nearby city/town with a big beautiful monastery, as well as a less famous but just as beautiful park. Also 1 or 2 photos from Parque del Retiro in the city.. side note: almost all taken by Gregoire (except for the one of the wall I took--yeah!!! and the ones of both of us taken by Greg's friend Juan. Oh I also took the ones of the children chasing bubbles. .)

**Also, Blogger says it's 4 in the morning but it's definitely 1:30 in the afternoon. A little dog named Boston is sleeping next to me right now and he's so cute, I'm struggling between leaving him alone to rest and violently nuzzling my forehead into his wittle bitty belly. I'm usually not a big fan of little dogs unless they're unnaturally fluffy which is just, come on, but Boston and his rat-like nature has found a warm, squishy spot in my heart. I will leave him alone for now. I think I just heard Gregoire bark in his sleep.

Today is Sunday and a slooowww day. I should start a new entry since I'm writing and this was going to just be a "photo" entry, but it's my blog so I'll make it as disorganized and hard to follow as I want. We were going to go to an art exposition today, but it's not open on Sundays. Then we were going to go to another art exposition, but it's only open until 3. We found this out before noon, but somehow still concluded we wouldn't have enough time. Lazy Sundays.

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